Quick and simple method of disguising a rain barrel.
Start to finish was less than hour. We used a light and dark green Krylon Fushion paint.
Select a cutting tool.
Find some interesting plant leaves to use,
Here are two we liked.
Wipe the barrel down with warm water or other cleaner. Paint will not stick to dirt very long.
We put our barrel on a tarp. We found working with it elevated was less stress on our back too.
Here are a few colors that Krylon Paint is available in.
Remember to wear eye safety around spray paints. The wind can blow it back on you.
We covered our hands with a plastic bag that the newspaper is delivered in. This pattern starts with verticle stripes like an old fashion barber pole.
Hold branch in place and spray a bit of paint.
Here's what you get with a light coat.
Mutipule passes around the barrel.
Lots more painting in random patterns.
Time for a new pattern to use.
Different plants make for greater visual interest.
Almost looks like crows feet.
Now to use a bit of a lighter color for contrast.
Here's what that looks like.
Finished barrel is dry in about 15 minutes.
Want to see all the colors and get a great deal on Krylon® Fusion Spray Paint for Plastic.
For those of you that want to paint pictures on your barrel, first prime it with Zinser 1-2-3 (blue can) and follow with a coat of interior/exterior grade acrylic paint for a base coat.